Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder:

"The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism. Every jogger can't dream of being an Olympic champion, but he can dream of finishing a marathon."

Saturday 14 January 2012

Back on the roads:)

I haven't blogged in weeks and weeks but then who wants to read about me on a running machine!!yep,I picked up a niggly injury in November and have been back down to 3 milers on a running machine.i hate running machines!!!they aid you by 14% so when you do eventually run outside its a killer!!anyway,got myself a new physio who is worth her weight in gold!!!been seeing her for 2 weeks now and this morning I ran a ten miler outside at a good I cracked out another 2 six milers earlier in the week.dont get me wrong though.they where not easy.i have scar tissue on my hamstring from an injury years ago and acute tendonitis behind my left knee,its not ideal but with Sally's magic tape it's getting better!! I'm less worried about the training compared to the fundraising though !!!im at the £1300 mark so £700 to push.I will not be running a marathon again!!!!!i love running but jeeze,it's a painful sport where your always looking for the next challenge after London is to stop running for a few weeks!!wont be easy!
Anyway,I'm back blogging again and all the training from now until 22nd of April should give me plenty to think and write about!like food!!i love food.x

Saturday 22 October 2011

Pole's good for you honestly!!!

I was meant to be smashing out that 15 miler today but the back of my left knee is still playing up and I took the advice to not train to avoid permanent injury. If like me your a little bit addicted to running then you would know how hard it is to stay at home. If your have never felt that addiction, then imagine been on a diet and eating a full bucket of juicy KFC. Guilt!!!!!!That thing that plays on your mind until you find a distraction. My distraction is any other exercise and today it was pole dancing.
Pole dancing!!!!I bet you have an image of some sleazy half naked person in heels strutting around a pole.....image now shattered because shockingly pole dancing is an amazing way to exercise(especially those core muscles ladies). I wear shorts and a vest top and I stun myself with what I can do. It's like gymnastics but for less bendy people.  I have got a few friends into it and am always glad when they turn around and say they loved it...cos lets face it, everyone stereotypes and it takes stepping over boundaries to break an initial thought of something or someone. Ok I admit that some people do dance in what I call 'stripper wear' but most people bring their own style to it.
check this video out...
Needless to say,an hour on the pole(although it hurts any leg and arm muscles like hell the next day) does not give me my running fix. I need to run tomorrow but it won't be the long one i'm desperate to do...maybe 7 or 8 miles.....few vinos tonight then.I am only human hey.

On a completely different note. Last night I was sponsored for the london marathon by a couple called mark and oonagh. A beautiful couple from Ireland who made me realise that family is a much bigger word than it sounds. I don't know how to thank them enough but when I figure out how, they will know. They sponsored me £500 and I will forever remember that. It's the second time I have met them but People who have an instant impact on you because they have the nicest personalities deserve the world. I think this is an important thing to blog because i'm pretty sure that there will come a time when my kids are older that I will have to prove to them that there are people out there willing do go that extra mile......POTATOES!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx

Thursday 20 October 2011

Am I a geek for blogging????

I don't know why I have decided to write a blog, I think all this running has made me go a little crazy but i'm working hard and it's not wrong to want something to look back over right?? My thinking behind it is a motivational one, something i can look back over when the next baby comes along and i'm fighting with myself to get back into running. I know i will though because i'm addicted but I won't run London again. This ladies and gents will be the only road to London.
I've just been for a run actually, wasn't far at all...only 8 miles or so but it hurt. It shouldn't hurt at that distance when I usually run further. I've been doing a lot of training recently, mixing it up a little with speed training, core training and some gym work. I feel brilliant but I've been told I have to be disciplined on my 'plods'. I'm not though, I set off fast and I push out 8.5 minute miles on runs that I should be slowing down to 9.5 minute miles to build the distance up to the 20 mile point. I'm for want of a word 'totally shagged'!! That run I just did was not comfortable, the back of my left knee hurts and I had a bloody snotty nose. That means a trip to the sports therapist and running with tissues shoved up my nose. I will however be back out there on Saturday morning for a 15miler....... I WILL GO SLOW.
On another note, I ordered my charity bash posters and tickets yesterday. They are gorgeous!!!!!! I'm very excited and that is the reason why I will keep training for London, because my charity is one that makes me want to cry a little when I think about what it's for.
Anyway, i'm going for a hot shower now. After reading this you can tell me yourself if i'm a geek or not for blogging. As Oscar Wilde said, 'memory is the diary that we all carry about with us'. Well, when i'm old and have dementia and my memory starts to fail me I can read this and know that even though i'm not the first person to run London marathon and I won't be the last, this blog was my journey there and I want to remember every step of it  until I cross that finish line because running flipping kills me!!